Thursday, August 28, 2008

Burr, it felt like winter this morning at 6:45am at the bus stop!! Please say it isn't so I beg for one more month of somewhat warm weather.let's see what happened today Hmmmmmmmmmm.. Well Jurnee had a football game and he caught an interception. For you football people you know what I am trying to say Ha. He was very excited he did a crazy little dance on the field afterwards. He is multi-talented if I do say so myself a football player/ comedian/dancer who knew?!. Yzabella went and got all of her soccer gear today. And of course she picked out the PINK soccer shoes, PINK shin guards, PINK socks and PINK hair soccer accessory and PINK soccer bag she is quite the cute PINK sight. She loves how the black on her shoes matches her dark hair, oh we are in some trouble that's all I can say I have created a monster, but its fun. We got a call from her coach and we start practice next week on Tuesday right down the street at Indian Hills school so that makes life easier. Maddox is taking very well to the sippie cup, we are about half and half now. Half time Baa baa and half time sippie cup so I'm happy with the progression of weaning him off the bottle . Dylan had a good day of kindergarten today. Today was his first official day, Jurnee and him rode the bus home together and that was fun for them. And guess what people there is no baby Drew yet!!!!
Goodnight for now. Later, Love........................................Rainbow

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pretty Sunset I wish I could be there when life is this hard! But I would miss my family.

wow!! Can I just say it has been a couple of crazy days, nothing out of the ordinary, well to most people maybe, but for Rainbow just another day or week of events. Jurnee of course is going full board into his new school and is really enjoying himself. So far he likes his friends, his teacher , lunch , breakfast, and the school bus ride. We had a school open house and I got to meet the teacher she seems like she will be an excellent teacher. I was actually in the classroom and found out some friends I went to high school with had thier own children in the classroom and Jurnee's teacher taught them to. So it was a fun blast from the past and a glimse of the future kinda coooool. He is still busy with violin and football ( he informed me he was corner position for defense and running back for offense substitute for offense when needed). Yzabella got regestered for cheerleading and dance class today they gave a bargin two for one deal and of course Yzabella wanted to do it. They just built a new dance facility at the place we go to. She is very excited she starts next week. My schedule has also been busy with the world of Rainbows events. Lori I need you to start writing it all down for me for "The Book". I believe it could be good one or at least an interesting one if nothing else. Dylan will be riding the bus home on Thursdays with Jurnee. Jurnee is very excited about it and so is Dylan. There is still no baby Drew!!!!!!!!!!!!! Baby Drew Where Are You!!!!!! I'm getting impatient!! Manny And I have been trying out our" Communication Calendar " and it actually has been a life saver with our crazy lives so I recommend it to everyone. Travis we got the kids computer up and running so Jurnee can start his blog soon maybe this weekend we can work on that. That would be fun to if we could get Davis on the blog to, once you guys get situated and all. I wonder what part of the U.S. the Kilmers and Maureen are at?? Drive safely. Kerry and the kids are in my thoughts as well. Sending peace their way. I havent' blogged in a few days to busy, to tired but hopefully I will get back into the swing of things to manage it all. I will. The kids got two new gold fish yesterday or at least two new black fish (that is what color they are). Love...Later...........................Rainbow. Don't forget the liasophia party is coming up. It is buy 2 get up to 4 1/2 off. It is the fall winter magazine the one with the black and silver bracelets on the cover if you are looking on line.

Friday, August 22, 2008

These pictures are from our first visit with Manny and the kids. They are all so cute.Kim's birthday flowers and Alcohol. I don't remember drinking, just eating lot's of seafood, but it sure does make a beautiful picture.
Hello Mac!
What are these two up to??
Driving? There is no stopping her Manny!
Here, I will help you!
Grandma and Yzabella, blowing bubbles.
We Rock!
Ah a day at the pool!
That sure was a funny joke!
Your safe. I will catch you!
May I have seconds? Please!
Cute pictureI'm exhausted or I need seconds!
Grandma on the deck.

Say cheese!!
Did you see that form?
Meeting of the minds. Men beware!!
Prepping dinner! I want to do that again.
Did you see me?

Yum!!! Feed us!!

The morning air was a little bit chiller today waiting for the school bus, is that a sign of fall? I love fall it's my favorite time of year. It's the winter I have issues with. Jurnee's first day of school was a success. He came home with enthusiasm in his voice and said he was really going to like it. Getting up this morning at 6:00am for him was somewhat of a challenge though. He better get use to it quick! HA! and I'm not the best AM person as well but Maddox was up at 4:00am today ready to party hard, he got a quick reality check, Mommy doesn't get up at 4:00am to party unless it was from the night before. Tonight Cara has her baby shower, maybe this will be incentive to have that baby TONIGHT!!. Baby Drew where are you?????????????? Yzabella will be starting her "school" on Monday she is very excited.She would like to start now , but teacher mommy isn't quite ready yet. (thanks Lori for the books). Juan has the kids this weekend, but I believe I will get them tomorrow after the football game. so they can visit. they would be so upset if they were not allowed to come. Looking forward to everyone being here tomorow. P.S. the house is a mess sorry, just close your eyes and you won't see the mess! Ha Later................................................Rainbow

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I just want to hold him this close everyday!!!! I Love you Jurnee!!
O.k. Its Thursday morning and I'm drinking my coffee quickly before the craziness of the day begins. I just sent Jurnee off on the bus at 6:45Am. I was going to meet him at school at 7:45Am to "help" him with his first day of school. But how quickly plans can change. He informed me there was no need to meet him and that he was now in the 5th grade so I didn't need to go and help him. He said he could find the lunch room for breakfast and pay the money. Then he could find room #....with Mrs. ......... and empty all his new school supplies out. And he would just be fine. Also he would be able to catch the bus home. He told me not to worry, said he loved me and then gave me a high five and off onto the bus he went!!!! Hello when did all this, I am a grown man now, I don't need my mommy happen???? So I hope he has a wonderful 1st day of school, eats a good breakfast and lunch, makes lots of fun, good friends, likes his teacher and learns lots. I'll inform the days progress in the next blog. Mr. Dylan have an awesome day of your first day of kindergarten. Your Auntie Rainbow is thinking about you. Baby Drew where are YOU??? Later............................Rainbow Don't forget buy 2 get 4 1/2 off most expensive 1/2 off.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ready for practice!!At Boy Scouts (of course Yzabella is up on
stage with the boys)

Yes, I'm great and fabulous Jurnee started violin practice again. He is really good.
Yum! Yum! I love my snacks!!
Jurnee and Austin pheasant hunting last year.

Yes I fought it tooth and nail. I lost that battle

they want to go again this year. But not until Jurnee

takes hunter safety. (I will not lose that battle)

I'll be driving soon!!!

Yzabella and Maddox so cute!!Now only two days left until school starts Yah!! Jurnee had to go and get his second set of chicken pox shots today he was pleased. He had his violin practice again yesterday and he sounds really good even with his mohawk he is currently sporting. I don't know what the violin teacher thinks about it, but oh well! I weeded out my vegetable garden today. I picked a bowl full of radishes(Maureen that is the picture I sent you). The peas are almost ready, about one more week and my tomatoes are huge. The zucchini are getting bigger, the pumpkins are starting to bloom and now I have 2 watermelons growing!! I have dill, and cilantro that are ready and the jalapenos are done as well. Its a great garden. Thanks for listening to me brag a little. Still no baby Drew, but Cara is still having big contractions, baby Drew will be here soon I just know it!!! Later.................Rainbow

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Another busy Saturday. The count down is on, school starts in 5 more days!! Where did the summer go?? Jurnee had his first football game and he did awesome. The team score was 27 to 0. (Jurnee's team 0) but Jurnee did awesome GO RAVENS!! Manny headed out this morning about 11:30 to Auburn, CA he should be arriving there about 9:30PM. (He should arrive later but he drives like a bat out of hell). Talked to Maureen today it sounds like the ladies had fun I will anxiously wait for the pictures! And I'm totally excited that Kim and Andrew and the boys and Maureen will be here for a day! Jurnee and Yzabella are very excited to. YA! One last great party before the summer is totally gone as Jurnee put it.(screaming!!) We are still waiting patiently for baby Drew. Where are you?? That would be fun if he came this week before everyone was here next weekend. Don't forget to check out my Lia Sophia Jewelry at remember buy 2 get 4 1/2 off, hello excellent deal! Tell your friends get together and go in on the sale together what a great idea!! Not much to say today sooooooooooo Later..............Rainbow

Friday, August 15, 2008

Lets see today is Friday already. Wow the week has gone by fast. We had fun yesterday we took Jurnne, Yzabella, Maddox, Dylan and Miguel fishing and I believe they had a great time. Dylan caught seven fish, Yzabella caught 6 and the older boys about the same. Of course they were only about 3 inches long but that didn't matter to them. Dylan wanted to keep his to put in his fish tank at home. We let him take one home (I know Jared and Cara are thankful for that. Your welcome. Ha). Then we went over to the Blackfoot lake and let the kids splash a little bit in the water, the weather was perfect about 85. Still no baby Drew Maybe tonight?? Jurnee has his first football game tommorow so we are reviewing the plays tonight(homework to turn in tommorow). Dylan had a sleep over and the kids just slept on air matresses in the living room they had a good time. I got some more film developed from Jerome so I'll get that on the blog soon. It took awhile to get it developed because for some strange bizarre reason my film broke the walgreens machine. They called me and informed me my camera film wouldn't copy the pictures onto the cd correctly or she stated it got to a certain picture every time to copy and it would stop at that picture and copy it over and over and over again. I jokeinly said, " to the clerk Oh it must be the one of grandmas earn. " Well guess what, it was the picture of grandmas earn. She even showed me on her computer thing. Every time it got to that picture it would not copy the rest of the pictures and would only copy that one and two other pictures over and over and over. Very interesting?? Grandma voicing her opinions again. I love it. they did get it to work last night at 11:00, but they have no explanation of why. Well off to bed. Ok ladies I expect a full report on Vegas don't leave out any fun details. the leave it in Vegas does not apply here. Later.....................Rainbow

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Today we had a Birthday party for Maddox over at his grandpa's house. Grandpa Mel, Grandma Maria, Tio (Uncle) Moe, Tia (Aunt) Cara, Primo (Cousin) Migual, Rose, and Mel Jr. Mom and Dad were all there. We had a delicious meal, encheladas, rice, salsa all home made of course. Thank-you Maria! We also got all of Jurnee's school supply shopping done it was so nice it was only one page long instead of our normal 3 pager. Now we just have some clothes shopping to do but I think I will wait until after school starts to see what the "IN" styles are. We went to lunch with Jared and Cara yesterday and they bought a crib(the one we gave them had a crack in it darn it) But the one they bought was so cute I can't wait to see it once Jared gets it set up hopefully he is doing that today. I went to a Lia Sopia Party last night and of course now I will be hosting a party on September 11th. I will leave the web site if anyone wants to order off my party next month let me know. They are having an awesome sale next month thats why I'm doing it then, It is Buy 2 get 4 @1/2 price (the most expensive items are the ones that are 1/2 off!! Awesome. They have really nice items I love Lia sophia. go check it out! Well I am trying to enter some pictures today hopefully it will work. Until later. Later.............Rainbow

Friday, August 8, 2008

What a nice boring day. Manny will be home tonight. He worked an extra day so I'll be glad when he gets home. We had an awesome thunder and lighting storm wow it was a beauty. I got another phone call from Cara tonight so I'll sleep with my ears open you never know when they may call to bring Dylan over. Tonight would be a good night. I left a little message to Shellie and Zane and thier family today via the news journal. There sure was alot of nice words people left for them, hopefully it will bring some comfort for a second to know many people are thinking and praying for them. I don't know it would be incredibly hard no matter what. I think my next project will be sewing, now for all of you thinking on no you have every right to think that because I don't know how to sew. But I think I'm going to try. Who knows you may all get six toed socks or something or three sided pillows for christmas. I took some film into Walgreens today so hopefully I can post the pictures tomorow. Thats it for today. I love my family and I am very blessed to have the family and friends I do thank you. Later.......................Rainbow

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Yah! Today My son is now an official 5th grader. We got him registered today at his new school and I think I even saw a small glimse of excitment in his eyes or it could of been the sight of the free candy either way we got him registered today. He is feeling much better tonight and we made it to football practice, most likely he said he will be a running back???? I need to do my football homework so when I'm yelling at the top of my lungs I know why or at least I can feel justified. Yes, the closet is finished!!! HAlalula! I also scanned my first picture onto this computer yah soon I'll be building computers Hah!! Jared and Cara came by and got the crib today. She was having contractions last night so now is the time to set it up and get ready for baby. I can't wait for Drew Michael Jockumsen. But the most exciting part of the day is I got my FAT ASS on the tread mill and I never want to do it again I thought I was going to die. I didn't realize how heavy my butt was. But I will do it tomorow again even though I do not want to but enough is enough I saw the evidence in the photos. Later................Rainbow

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

All right people I am here. Hear me roar. I'm not sure what I'm doing, but do any of us really? I'm an official blogger? Let me know if "my people" read this and it works. It's about midnight and it has been a busy day. I signed Yzabella up for soccer today, cancelled Jurnee for soccer, on the way to football practice Jurnee got really sick so we went back home. I also got back Maddox's 1 year b-day pictures I had taken of him on Friday before we went up to Jerome. They turned out very cute. I also picked up Yzabellas cheerleading pictures also very cute. Once I figure out how to enter pictures I will post them (that may take awhile we will see). Unless Kim comes through Pocatello for some reason she could do some magic? My little old man is coming to finish the closet tommorow YAH! He said he just forgot because he had started some other projects. But at least I can see the finish line in front of me and can start to get the house back to normal. Goodnight All

fish stories

fish stories
Yzabella and Dylan showing off thier prize fish

Yzabella so very proud!

Jurnee showing off his prize catch for the day!

Miguel very proud of his mighty catch.

Manny showing Jurnee just the right way to do it.

Yzabella and Dylan sharing fishing stories.

Jurnee waiting for "The Big One"

It's a party

Yzabella feeding little bro Maddox

The water is sooo tempting!!

happy 1st birthday Aug 1st 2008

Maureen and Alex at the b-day party. Say cheese.

Jurnee is ready for football practice Go Ravens!! #1

Dylan, Benson, Yzabella, Davis, Jurnee and jackson defeated the Pinata

Papa, Maddox and Yzabella

Yzabella and Kealey ready for cheerleading competition

Jackson signing the b-day banner

Party!! Party!! Andrew, Alex, Kim, Jurnee

happy birthday - love mama

Maddox 1st b-day party at Grandpas Maddox, Manny, Miguel, Cara, Moises, Mel jr., Mel, Maria, and Rosie

1st Birthday party at grandpas Jr (Mel), Maria, Maddox, and Grandpa (Mel) Maldonado

Grandma Maria and Maddox YUM! YUM!

cousin Miguel and Maddox

1st b-day cake for Maddox at grandpas house

Oh my gosh more cake! Yum!

Kim, Mac, Alex, Maureen, Cara beautiful picture Kerry painted

1st b-day cake YUM!!

Maddox and Grandpa Mel

Say Cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whats going on? They wonder?

Uncle Moises and Aunt Cara and Maddox, Hurry get the snack open!

Maddox and Uncle (Tio) Moe

Please can I get just a little wet??

To late dude I am wet!!

I'm cool even when I'm fishing!!

Yah I know I'm cute!!

Maddox. Wait a minute this feels strange!!

Maddox's first fishing trip, notice the fishing jacket and camo outfit.

Yzabella and Cholo so cute!!

Giving my motherly advice to Miguel and Jurnee!

Come on Manny get the worm on the hook!!