From the beautiful Garden of "rainbow's delicious veggies"

Today ALL activities start up......cheer and tumbling for Yzabella and on going soccer for Jurnee.. Jurnee starts his trumpet for 6th grade band today as well...Yah those home practice sessions should be fun!! Manny leaves back for work today. It's always hard when he leaves. YUK! I was able to get some yummy fresh veggies out of the garden last night. beans (my favorite)..onions...peas...carrots and Jurnee found one small green apple on the apple tree we didn't even know about. Maureen I will look for the package, it should be here today I assume. Yzabella can't stand the fact that she has to wait until tomorrow to go to school, she wants to go today!!!Right now!!! I just want her to slow down, just a little. Lori I want to here about your camping trip in more detail...I hope the boys had a good time (at least) and Kerry good news???Dying to find out about it. My friend Heather (she has been a partner in crime with me since high school) wants to join the blog so I'll drop her a little note with the info. Ok Drew is letting me know my coffee "break" is over talk more later.