Monday, August 31, 2009

From the beautiful Garden of "rainbow's delicious veggies"

Today ALL activities start up......cheer and tumbling for Yzabella and on going soccer for Jurnee.. Jurnee starts his trumpet for 6th grade band today as well...Yah those home practice sessions should be fun!! Manny leaves back for work today. It's always hard when he leaves. YUK! I was able to get some yummy fresh veggies out of the garden last night. beans (my favorite)..onions...peas...carrots and Jurnee found one small green apple on the apple tree we didn't even know about. Maureen I will look for the package, it should be here today I assume. Yzabella can't stand the fact that she has to wait until tomorrow to go to school, she wants to go today!!!Right now!!! I just want her to slow down, just a little. Lori I want to here about your camping trip in more detail...I hope the boys had a good time (at least) and Kerry good news???Dying to find out about it. My friend Heather (she has been a partner in crime with me since high school) wants to join the blog so I'll drop her a little note with the info. Ok Drew is letting me know my coffee "break" is over talk more later.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Well we made it through the first day of school with Yzabella! Yes I did cry...the teacher gave me a hug. Her first full day is Tomorrow Thursday... And yes she has already picked out her outfit...plaid pink and black preppy skirt black top, above the knee tight/socks with pink strips and black flats to cute!!!My doctor's appointment in SLC went as expected a few questions and some lab work and out the door.."we will contact you in the next two weeks for the next set of instructions." All the wonderful activities start up this and next week for the kids ...Summer vacation is officially over. Jurnee's first game is this Saturday(soccer). He now wants to learn the trumpet (they have to choose one of five instruments for sixth grade band.. Can anyone say ear plugs?)I'm glad Manny will still be here so he can watch also.Maddox is still fighting the fight with his big boy bed its hard now that he can wonder around out of bed whenever he feels like it. But we will just stick it out and soon he will stay put or I may collapse we will see who will win this battle of the beds!!Drew is so cute and growing so quickly he wants to walk and run with Maddox and Yzabella but gravity is still against him.. Soon though soon. Dylan is enjoying his first grade class so far. Hope everyone is doing well. Love ya later..Rainbow

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Just practicing on my scanner since I don;t know what I'm doing.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Well it's official Yzabella ( Yzabella thinks she is a grown women) would not let me hold her hand in the hallway.....Only in the parking lot last night at the kindergarten open house..........I had to hold back my tears.......This doesn't happen until 2nd grade or so I thought but Yzabella is a tough cookie.. I'll somehow survive I think. Dylan stayed the night last night so I have a household full. They are good though they just entertain themselves. Drew is down for a nap so thought I would write a quick note. The kids go to their dad's tonight... That's all for now Maddox needs his mom.............Later

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I've been at 111 posts now(for the blog) I was staying on that number for good luck...but it's time to move on... It's hard to believe it's that time of year again. (Back to school) I got all the kids school shopping done already. Yzabella of course was so much fun with skirts and tights I can't wait to play dress-up with her next week for school. I'm sure I will be a sobbing mess. We just went to JcPenny's for Jurnee (they are having a terrific sale if anyone is in need). My yard sale was a success for the school shopping I'm glad I tortured myself to do it and so are the kids. Plus I got rid of alot of stuff it was so crazy busy. I will do one more next year. Tonight Jurnee has soccer practice and then Yzabella's back to school night tonight to get to know the classroom, drop off supplies, and meet some of the kids. Should be fun!! The weather is getting alot cooler in the evenings.....Is fall around the corner??? During the day it is still quite hot so who knows. Maureen when do you leave for Greenbay? Hope everyone is keeping busy.........Later...............Rainbow

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE BABY PICTURES ARE SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Rainbow and Family

fish stories

fish stories
Yzabella and Dylan showing off thier prize fish

Yzabella so very proud!

Jurnee showing off his prize catch for the day!

Miguel very proud of his mighty catch.

Manny showing Jurnee just the right way to do it.

Yzabella and Dylan sharing fishing stories.

Jurnee waiting for "The Big One"

It's a party

Yzabella feeding little bro Maddox

The water is sooo tempting!!

happy 1st birthday Aug 1st 2008

Maureen and Alex at the b-day party. Say cheese.

Jurnee is ready for football practice Go Ravens!! #1

Dylan, Benson, Yzabella, Davis, Jurnee and jackson defeated the Pinata

Papa, Maddox and Yzabella

Yzabella and Kealey ready for cheerleading competition

Jackson signing the b-day banner

Party!! Party!! Andrew, Alex, Kim, Jurnee

happy birthday - love mama

Maddox 1st b-day party at Grandpas Maddox, Manny, Miguel, Cara, Moises, Mel jr., Mel, Maria, and Rosie

1st Birthday party at grandpas Jr (Mel), Maria, Maddox, and Grandpa (Mel) Maldonado

Grandma Maria and Maddox YUM! YUM!

cousin Miguel and Maddox

1st b-day cake for Maddox at grandpas house

Oh my gosh more cake! Yum!

Kim, Mac, Alex, Maureen, Cara beautiful picture Kerry painted

1st b-day cake YUM!!

Maddox and Grandpa Mel

Say Cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whats going on? They wonder?

Uncle Moises and Aunt Cara and Maddox, Hurry get the snack open!

Maddox and Uncle (Tio) Moe

Please can I get just a little wet??

To late dude I am wet!!

I'm cool even when I'm fishing!!

Yah I know I'm cute!!

Maddox. Wait a minute this feels strange!!

Maddox's first fishing trip, notice the fishing jacket and camo outfit.

Yzabella and Cholo so cute!!

Giving my motherly advice to Miguel and Jurnee!

Come on Manny get the worm on the hook!!