Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Posted a few of the upstairs decorations..The downstairs will come later after we go get the tree..It was to bad today to go up to the canyon..So we will go Friday after shopping..we had to get the "chains" ready for the truck..Lot's of snow...We made lots of crafty projects for our tree this evening..very cute.. Hope everyone has a great Turkey day tomorrow..stay warm..
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
There were other pictures but...this is all it would let me upload this evening without throwing the
A little bit of snow..
We are number #1...
Yzabella in the middle

Well we had a fun trip to Hailey Idaho..Miss Yzabella and I swam in the pool...sat in the hot tub, well her and her friends did..We stayed up super late and ate a ton of junk food it was fun to just go just the two of us girls... Her older team placed 1st and her other team (she is on both) took they did awesome!! Jurnee made it to the premier soccer team which he tried out for about a month ago for the spring season..he is very excited for that practice for that doesn't start until end of January..So he continues to be busy with wrestling and BAsketball starts in January as well..Maddox is trying so hard now to use his words and has started putting them into sentences finally..but still will probably put him into speech therapy at the beginning of the new year...The weather here has been just outrageous..blizzards, they have closed every school in the state and most or close to near all roads, except for medical emergency purposes..Have all my Christmas up with the exception of the tree we are suppose to go chop down tomorrow in the blizzard...we are headed to KNOX Canyon in case no one hears from me over Thanksgiving...Hope everyone is keeping warm looks like everyone is getting hit with some kind of storm..
Sunday, November 7, 2010
So I was able to upload a few pictures of random stuff (one at a time) that we have been up to lately.. no particular order...
Maddox discovering the lovely mud..
The one and only picture of

Manny "teaching" Maddox important stuff..

Jurnee being himself..Jackson Hole Tournament..
Manny "teaching" Maddox important stuff..
Jurnee being himself..Jackson Hole Tournament..
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Maddox is still not feeling that great..but we went to Dylan's party today. It was a crazy mad house but I believe the kids had a good time..Dylan made out with a ton of loot..I'll try and post pictures tomorrow if I can remember how to still do it..Another beautiful day today..Jess and Juan informed me yet again Amadeo has strep throat and is contagious...why did they not take him yesterday to the clinic it is open until 9 and tell me before the kids get there...makes no sense so I'm sure we will all get it just in time for the holidays..I'm surrounded by selfish..selfish people..and I sent Jurnee over there with a huge homework assignment (report) due on Monday so we will see if it gets done(probably not they have never done it before why start now?) but they reassured me they would get it done or make him do it...alright enough complaining..Off to bed early this evening and on to a relaxing day of sterilizing the house and probably helping with a report..later...
Friday, November 5, 2010
Another long poor little Maddox has not been feeling well, with the flue symptoms, so hard when they are little..needing lots of coffee this am..The kids are headed to their dads this weekend and we have Dylan's birthday party on Saturday..the little guy will be 8 now..He has reminded me only about 80 times this month lol..We have another beautiful sunny day..gorgeous almost 70 degrees today they say..yippee..keep the sun a shining at least until November 21st..after traveling to Hailey that weekend..then the snow can fly..Trying to get back into the habit of blogging daily..I see Kim has disowned me from her blog list lol...come on Kim be forgiving it is the season...:).. Made an upside down pineapple, cherry crumble cake yesterday for the kids yummy...the diet will begin Sunday if anyone would like to join me just let me know..Well back to the little ones.....later...
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
It's been a crazy, busy couple of weeks...finished up Jurnee's soccer tournament with a second place in Boise something for the boys to be very proud of..with tryouts for next spring..straight into wrestling..Jurnee had his first wrestling tournament last night and it was very intense. Defiantly a tough guys sport indeed. Yzabella is keeping busy with her own little life.. she continues to practice..practice..practice for her spot on the cheer team as a flyer (the one at the very top..scary)..she is enjoying her piano lessons as well..she can't quite reach the foot pedestals but her long skinny fingers are working..She is excited to perform for the Christmas show we already have her "performance" dress hanging in the closet...Maddox is finally taking an interest in starting to speak..we are contacting different avenues for getting some help for him if he doesn't progress at a rapid rate in the next 2 months..His new interest or passion is putting puzzles together he can sit for hours (ok maybe 30 minutes) and put them together.. Him and Drew continue to keep me running non-stop throughout the day...It seems as though everyone is keeping busy with there days..I love spying on the blog and see how everyone is looks like Maureen is in full swing as far as decorating goal is to be done before the 19th..we will see if that happens..Made Manny my famous beef enchiladas and he loved them..I haven't made them since my moms funeral service party and yes they were good..funny how the small things in life can slip away so quickly...I did start my x-mas shopping so that was fun to go and see all the beautiful decorations..can't wait this year will be a fun age for Maddox..Later....
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fish stories

Yzabella and Dylan showing off thier prize fish

Yzabella so very proud!

Jurnee showing off his prize catch for the day!

Miguel very proud of his mighty catch.

Manny showing Jurnee just the right way to do it.

Yzabella and Dylan sharing fishing stories.

Jurnee waiting for "The Big One"

It's a party

Yzabella feeding little bro Maddox

The water is sooo tempting!!

happy 1st birthday Aug 1st 2008

Maureen and Alex at the b-day party. Say cheese.

Jurnee is ready for football practice Go Ravens!! #1

Dylan, Benson, Yzabella, Davis, Jurnee and jackson defeated the Pinata

Papa, Maddox and Yzabella

Yzabella and Kealey ready for cheerleading competition

Jackson signing the b-day banner

Party!! Party!! Andrew, Alex, Kim, Jurnee

happy birthday - love mama

Maddox 1st b-day party at Grandpas Maddox, Manny, Miguel, Cara, Moises, Mel jr., Mel, Maria, and Rosie

1st Birthday party at grandpas Jr (Mel), Maria, Maddox, and Grandpa (Mel) Maldonado

Grandma Maria and Maddox YUM! YUM!

cousin Miguel and Maddox

1st b-day cake for Maddox at grandpas house

Oh my gosh more cake! Yum!

Kim, Mac, Alex, Maureen, Cara beautiful picture Kerry painted

1st b-day cake YUM!!

Maddox and Grandpa Mel

Say Cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whats going on? They wonder?

Uncle Moises and Aunt Cara and Maddox, Hurry get the snack open!

Maddox and Uncle (Tio) Moe

Please can I get just a little wet??

To late dude I am wet!!

I'm cool even when I'm fishing!!

Yah I know I'm cute!!

Maddox. Wait a minute this feels strange!!

Maddox's first fishing trip, notice the fishing jacket and camo outfit.

Yzabella and Cholo so cute!!

Giving my motherly advice to Miguel and Jurnee!

Come on Manny get the worm on the hook!!