Let's see this week. Basketball, violin, cheerleading, dance, basketball again, the scouts derby race, ya just another regular week. Drew has been rolling over, holding the bottle himself and really using his vocal cords this week. Cara wants him to slow down a bit on the growing up part, but I think Drew has other plans. You should all go check out my house I will be moving to soon in February. Its on the HGTV website, in Sonoma California. I have entered everyday so far for a month and will continue until February 17th. You can all come visit me and we will drink the local wine to celebrate! I've continued with the treadmill now for eight days straight, minus yesterday (under the weather), but I haven't lost my 5000lbs, I want to loose, yet. Why not? Just joking , I know I'm just building a habit right now. Good night to all. Love..............Later..................Rainbow
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Not much to blog about just your typical Saturday, got some chores done ,was able to talk a bit with Lori on the phone, got on the treadmill, chased kids around all day and entertained them. And that was about it. I was able to go through one box of photos, this is going to be a HUGE project. I couldn't sleep last night, woke up about 4:00am and just stayed up, so I went through a box of photos. So I am very tired now and ready to call it an early night. So goodnight all. Love.........Later..........Rainbow ........ Melissa and Jeff, I am wishing you safe travels today as I know you are in flight to the states.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Ah its Friday, time to relax, ha ha ha. Jurnee just left to go spend the night with Jared he is quite excited. So Yzabella and I made some chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies Yummy!! My new project is to go through the seven ,yes, I said seven boxes of pictures and try to organize them I have been putting this project off for five years now or maybe its just been to hard to do either way its time to complete this project because the pictures just continue to stack up. My goal is 8 months. Now I know it sounds like a long time but when your trying to organize three generations if not more of pictures its not long at all. Kim I would love the specific ingredients, I believe I saw that exact recipe on a show before, looks delicious!! Cant Wait to try it next week on Yazbella, Jurnee and Dylan. The sun was shining beautiful today it gave me some extra energy. Ok Kerry you gave me some inspiration with your whole bikini goal (yes, Jealousy does wonders for motivation) I have been on the tread mill now for three days in a row, to some that means nothing, to me it means its a miracle keep going!! Hope everyone is doing well talk more later..................Love...............later...............Rainbow
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
What a day, what a day.......When the wind blows hard and the storm is brewing, we must calm ourselves for what may lay ahead.............Remember the basics in life..............seek shelter............know where our loved ones are.............pray, believe.hope.............and wait patiently..............What a day, what a day.
Just been busy with basic daily routine kid stuff and a few errands, went in again to have some blood work done, I'm sure it will be just fine since I am the example of healthy living LOL. The little Drew man was under the weather today throwing up, I just feel horrible when they are that little and sick. He still presented me with big smiles though good little stinker. Jurnee had scouts and they made some cool wind chimes. Yzabella had dance, again in the ballerina outfit Maureen gave her with the big black boots. Maddox is just being your typical 1 1/2 year old into, anything and everything. Goodnight all.Love................Later.................Rainbow
Saturday, January 10, 2009
The sun was shining bright today. ...........Well we did have fun at the party last night, she (Desinay) was totally surprised it was fun to go and see everyone and Manny fit right in with all the men BS..ing in the garage about dumb hunting stories, not to mention all the ugly antlers plastered all over the walls and every story about how each one got killed. We only stayed until about 8:45, because we had to go get kids, but we had fun in those two hours, but within those two hours I managed to drink a total of two beers and was doing the chicken dance, HELLO!! I said the chicken dance that song should be outlawed, who has that song on their karaoke machines?? Anyone ??Admit I know you all do!! Throw it away. It does a group of drunken wanna be performers no justice,... But then of course Bobbie Magee, by Janis Joplin came on and it was all over, we all believed we were rock stars, But we WERE rock stars, Manny, I believe fell in love again when he saw my performance how could he not?? Old stories of the good old days were shared, again Manny got an ear full of interesting stories that were suppose to be locked up in the("back in the day..........vault with the key locked stories") and a new vision of his precious, innocent wife from years before. It was fun hopefully we will have the opportunity to do it again. Today we just got some basic cleaning done ,with the kids at Juan's today, did a little grocery shopping and that's about it. Cara's results came back good from Friday, but she sure is sore from taking the tests how could she not be they went through her neck on both sides ouch!!! But good results so everyone's prayers and positive thinking has helped that is for sure, plus her stubbornness or rebellion against the disease as her doctor put it has helped ,so that's awesome. She will go back down in a month to take another one so they can continue to monitor and get a bases of the tests.. Goodnight all..............Love........Later............rainbow
Friday, January 9, 2009
Just got done with cookies, yummy..........the kids did good they taste delicious. We have been busy again doing several games while watching some movies busy day. Made some taco soup so everyone could just eat whenever they got in town. Manny just made it in town about 5 minutes (they did finally listen to me and stayed the night )ago just in time to pick Jurnee up and get him to basketball practice. Juan has the kids this weekend so they will pick him up and Yzabella and then when Jared and Cara get here, Manny and I are headed to my friends "surprise b-day" party. It should be fun I don't think we have been out in months literally!! We also will be going to dinner tomorrow or else I may lose it, I informed Manny, compliments of Mac and Maureen for Christmas Thank-you I can't wait I can taste the food already. Got to go another child in need talk more later.......Rainbow
Thursday, January 8, 2009
A busy day filled with kids everywhere LOL!! They knew I was out numbered little stinkers, they played lots of board games and did some art work to keep them entertained and Maddox thinks he is one of the big kids. Manny is driving home tonight he got done working about 5:30 and they plan on driving all the way through to get here about 9:00am, I suggested they stay somewheres for the evening, stay the night get some good sleep and start again in the morning, so he is ready for the overactive kids that are excitingly waiting for him, but they don't listen to well. Jared and Cara left about 4:00 for SLC.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I love my dogs..I love my dogs....I love my dogs.........I love my dogs, I believe If I say it enough times I will believe it. The little shits got out of their fence which is ok because they have never ever run off the few times they have escaped until today!!................I managed to convince them to go back in with just a deep threatened voice and it was working until the damn rooster let out a roost at 5:00pm, what kinda rooster is it anyways well Zues almighty takes off so they all must go, I go running after them and I slip on the one patch of ice left in the driveway and proceeded to fall on my fat ass into the MUD and just slid on down until I could slide no more. Even better a passing car of course had to completely slow down (not to check to see if I was ok, but to watch in ahh) So I'm cursing every bad word I ever learned from my elders, TV and peer pressuring friends and making up my own words at this point. I made eye contact with the people in the car that were mouthing OH SHIT!! in slow motion and then they speed off. Got the dogs in without beating them and then I come up my driveway and the neighbor girl is standing there in aw, explaining to me that she was sorry I fell, but she will have to tell her mom and dad about all the BAD words she heard. I just about told her a few more to share but that wouldn't be neighborly. Maureen I did get the Birthday package and Yzabella LOVED her ballerina outfit, she had to wear it to dance yesterday and show it off so she had her black ugly rain boots that went up to her knees and her beautiful dress with pink tights it was quite the precious sight. Thank-you. I will have the boys over the next couple of days while Cara and Jared head to SLC for more tests, I hope they have safe travels and not to much worries. Jurnee was out of school today due to power outage, he was just a little excited. until about mid-day he was so bored he couldn't stand it so off to clean his room he went, geeeeeeeeeezz I'm getting old. He wasn't very happy with me. He started up basketball practice this last week and he is super excited because there are a couple of his old buddies on it, so he's happy. Maddox has been under the weather a little bit, poor little guy, it hasn't slowed him down just a little bit of loss of appetite. Well goodnight to all...................
Monday, January 5, 2009
AAHHHHHHHHHHHH........ Christmas is down, got some major cleaning done. The Birthday party was fun . It was a Barbie princess theme party and we made some bead bracelets and necklaces for our party "activity" it was fun, they had fun. And now the kids are back to school starting back up on all our regular routines. Drew is here today. And Manny is gone again for work. Maureen I got back the card I sent to you and Mac today in the mail. I sent it to Kim's address, the same time I mailed Kim's, but for some reason they returned it. It looks like twice, maybe because I put your name on it instead of theirs?? Not sure, I will forward it to your address up in Bremerton though. Have safe travels going home. Its beginning to snow again, but nothing like the sounds of Northbend
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fish stories

Yzabella and Dylan showing off thier prize fish

Yzabella so very proud!

Jurnee showing off his prize catch for the day!

Miguel very proud of his mighty catch.

Manny showing Jurnee just the right way to do it.

Yzabella and Dylan sharing fishing stories.

Jurnee waiting for "The Big One"

It's a party

Yzabella feeding little bro Maddox

The water is sooo tempting!!

happy 1st birthday Aug 1st 2008

Maureen and Alex at the b-day party. Say cheese.

Jurnee is ready for football practice Go Ravens!! #1

Dylan, Benson, Yzabella, Davis, Jurnee and jackson defeated the Pinata

Papa, Maddox and Yzabella

Yzabella and Kealey ready for cheerleading competition

Jackson signing the b-day banner

Party!! Party!! Andrew, Alex, Kim, Jurnee

happy birthday - love mama

Maddox 1st b-day party at Grandpas Maddox, Manny, Miguel, Cara, Moises, Mel jr., Mel, Maria, and Rosie

1st Birthday party at grandpas Jr (Mel), Maria, Maddox, and Grandpa (Mel) Maldonado

Grandma Maria and Maddox YUM! YUM!

cousin Miguel and Maddox

1st b-day cake for Maddox at grandpas house

Oh my gosh more cake! Yum!

Kim, Mac, Alex, Maureen, Cara beautiful picture Kerry painted

1st b-day cake YUM!!

Maddox and Grandpa Mel

Say Cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whats going on? They wonder?

Uncle Moises and Aunt Cara and Maddox, Hurry get the snack open!

Maddox and Uncle (Tio) Moe

Please can I get just a little wet??

To late dude I am wet!!

I'm cool even when I'm fishing!!

Yah I know I'm cute!!

Maddox. Wait a minute this feels strange!!

Maddox's first fishing trip, notice the fishing jacket and camo outfit.

Yzabella and Cholo so cute!!

Giving my motherly advice to Miguel and Jurnee!

Come on Manny get the worm on the hook!!