Pretty Sunset I wish I could be there when life is this hard! But I would miss my family.

wow!! Can I just say it has been a couple of crazy days, nothing out of the ordinary, well to most people maybe, but for Rainbow just another day or week of events. Jurnee of course is going full board into his new school and is really enjoying himself. So far he likes his friends, his teacher , lunch , breakfast, and the school bus ride. We had a school open house and I got to meet the teacher she seems like she will be an excellent teacher. I was actually in the classroom and found out some friends I went to high school with had thier own children in the classroom and Jurnee's teacher taught them to. So it was a fun blast from the past and a glimse of the future kinda coooool. He is still busy with violin and football ( he informed me he was corner position for defense and running back for offense substitute for offense when needed). Yzabella got regestered for cheerleading and dance class today they gave a bargin two for one deal and of course Yzabella wanted to do it. They just built a new dance facility at the place we go to. She is very excited she starts next week. My schedule has also been busy with the world of Rainbows events. Lori I need you to start writing it all down for me for "The Book". I believe it could be good one or at least an interesting one if nothing else. Dylan will be riding the bus home on Thursdays with Jurnee. Jurnee is very excited about it and so is Dylan. There is still no baby Drew!!!!!!!!!!!!! Baby Drew Where Are You!!!!!! I'm getting impatient!! Manny And I have been trying out our" Communication Calendar " and it actually has been a life saver with our crazy lives so I recommend it to everyone. Travis we got the kids computer up and running so Jurnee can start his blog soon maybe this weekend we can work on that. That would be fun to if we could get Davis on the blog to, once you guys get situated and all. I wonder what part of the U.S. the Kilmers and Maureen are at?? Drive safely. Kerry and the kids are in my thoughts as well. Sending peace their way. I havent' blogged in a few days to busy, to tired but hopefully I will get back into the swing of things to manage it all. I will. The kids got two new gold fish yesterday or at least two new black fish (that is what color they are). Love...Later...........................Rainbow. Don't forget the liasophia party is coming up. It is buy 2 get up to 4 1/2 off. It is the fall winter magazine the one with the black and silver bracelets on the cover if you are looking on line.
At least he let you in the school. You have a very busy job & mommies never seem to slow down. I like the idea of the Communication Calendar- just need more info on it please.
Good luck with the fish, I hope they are easily replaced. . .lol My parents replaced mine several times :)
Take Care
Yes, please explain more about the communication calendar. Is it like my schedule posted on the fridge?
Black gold fish are cool. We don't have any, but we do have sharks that are starting to get pretty big.
I hope to talk to you soon. I'm keeping you in my prayers.
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