Sunday.... I finished up all my Christmas decorations today, with the exception of Jurnee's little blue tree, we will do that tomorrow. He seems overly excited to put it up, so that makes me feel good. We had another nice day today, good for Manny's travels. He made it safe and sound thank-goodness. This week will be busy with kids because Cara is going to go back to work tomorrow, so it will be just me and the little ones. The kids made it back safely from their dads today another thank-goodness. I hope all is well for everyone. Love..............Later..........Rainbow
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Today I watched Drew for a couple of hours, while his mom and dad and Dylan went to the movies. He was a funny little stinker he needed to be held the whole time he was here. Silly man. Manny is busy packing and getting ready for his drive to California tomorrow. The weather is suppose to be nice for them tomorrow so I hope the weather man is correct, no snow over the pass. Pretty quite around here today the kids are still at their dads, so I got a little bit done around the house. Talk more later. Love...............Later..................Rainbow
Thursday, November 27, 2008

I mean he really loves it!!

Jurnee doing his homework

Maddox eating like his PAPA!

The freedom of the kitchen, thanks for the advice HA HA HA!!

Manny built the stable, I love it, Thank-you Manny!

Penguins in the sun!!! (only in Idaho)
Wow what an exciting day, I got up at 3:15 to leave the house by 4:15am. Cara came down with her car and then we drove and picked up her sister Siobhan. Then we went to the one store I swore I would never go to the day after Thanksgiving WALMART, OH MY GOSH, the people were out of control. I was just the chauffeur and cart pusher, so I stood back and watched the madness happen while Cara and Siobhan entered the craziness. Cara got most of her shopping done today so I know she felt relief. People were yelling, shoving, cursing banging carts it was out of control. I loved watching every minute of it. I'm a sick individual LOL. We finished up the day with breakfast about 1:00pm. ( Cara's treat, thank-you Cara) It was fun to go, I'm glad I went. Thank-you Cara for talking me into it! My desert was a hit on Thanksgiving day I came home with an empty tray!! Thank-you Maureen. It was a good dinner There were probably about 20 people there for dinner, so it was a good turn out, then we came home and just relaxed and watched TV, it was nice. We have had beautiful sunny weather this last week, as you can see in the outdoor photos the beginning of many future pictures (for the contest)!! I hope all is well, so until I hear from you all..............Love..................Later............Rainbow
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Its about 10:30pm and I'm just getting started on my desert for tomorrow I have just not felt up to par.. Maureen I hope I can keep the desert safe until tomorrow, I'm trying the one you posted on the blog it looks good. I tried to call I had a quick question but you had left shopping so I missed chatting with ya, but Mac helped me out, Thank -you.! I'll let everyone know if it is a hit tomorrow, of course it will be, hello! If there is any left, lol, from my midnight snack craving you never know. We are going over to Manny's Dads at noon, an early one, that will be nice we can all come home and take naps and get up with alot of the day still to use. I wish you all a wonderful Turkey day, eat lot's of food with NO guilt!!! Lori I'm so glad you blogged you guys look so awesome in your pictures please enjoy each others company and pour a cup of coffee for me or two. The kids are staying the night over at Jared and Cara's they were so excited they could barely stand it they both cleaned their rooms up, got packed and patiently waited until it was time to go like little angels, I Love my kids. Maddox is getting the eye drops, it pure torture,Manny holds him down and I get to pry his little eyes open and put eye drops in his eyes three times a day for 5 days. Hopefully the neighbors don't call social services from him screaming so loud. I hate it!! Sorry Maddox. Well good night all. Love ..............Later..............Rainbow
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
5 trees and 2 more to go (they are very small trees)!! I'm out of control, but I love the competition. Well actually I am just finding some lost decorations that have been in storage for years, its like Christmas each time I open a new box. Well for me anyways I get excited over such things the rest of the world probably doesn't. I'll get some pictures posted soon. Manny got all of the outside done, before the snow hits thank goodness. Speaking of snow Kim, I'm glad the snow blower works, it looks like you will need it. I love the act the boys got so excited about that, My kids still get excited each new year and then by February and March they are tired of it. I know its been awhile since I blogged but Kim I feel your pain, I had to laugh about the puddle of water incident LOL. Welcome to my world, its like that here, be careful what you even buy at the store and how much toilet paper u use because it will become common public knowledge. At this point I just have fun with the busy bodies and soon you will be able to run circles around them. You will enjoy it. Kerry I love the decorations so far they look so nice I especially like the black/gold tree. Also the computer desk looks so nice in that space. Lori, I hope you and Melissa are having a fun reunion please come back to blogging so I can here about your visits, make sure to tell her hello. Today was a busy day between, doctors appointments and we went and got Drew's pictures taken, well Manny took Cara I am a little under the weather and have been for about five days now, so I was basically forced to go to the doctors, hopefully the medicine will help I have no time for this crap. The kids are excited for Thanksgiving, they will be with us until Friday about noon and then head over to their dads until Sunday. Yzabella will be back in the evenings. Maureen your desert looks awesome, maybe I should take it for thanksgiving dinner. Kerry I was going to ask you about the orange desert we had last year at your house, could you blog it tonight or maybe I'll give you a call in the morning if I don't hear from you, I thought that would be fun to take to Manny's dads house to. Maureen I LOVE the fireplace, I new you would find one you liked, it looks great. Talk more later...........................Love..........Later...............Rainbow
Monday, November 17, 2008
Walking zombie... this will be day or night number three with no sleep poor Maddox is fighting a terrible head cold and teething at the same time. These teeth are the size of dinosaur teeth I swear poor little man and poor me LOLOL.. Well the decorating process has began I did manage to get the first tree done, (the Rainbow tree) well the top 2/3rds of it the bottom third is empty for the Mr. Maddox of course, its just to tempting for the little guy and I don't want to break my precious decorations.. I'll take some pictures tomorrow. and hopefully be able to finish the second tree, the one in the dining room or the (Poinsettia tree). Manny is away at work hopefully they won't send him to California that would suck because it would only be for one day..ridiculus...Maureen your tree looks really good, I love it and the moose just fits in perfect. I did like the black up around the light it looks good when we got off the phone I had a feeling you would choose the black!! So Kim you have a tree now .....the competition starts, officially ,jump on board Kerry only like 37 days left (no pressure) ha. Manny's sign today............ he was at a gas station and the car in front of him had a licence plate of 1 11 N J R interesting, he said it made the hair stand up on his arms. Makes you go Hmmmmmmmmmmmm , Manny even gets the signs now to. His inner self awareness has awakened I would like to take credit for that because of all the craziness I have brought him, what choice did he have. LOL. Goodnight for now. Love you all thanks for all the photos, keep it up I really do love looking at them everyone.. Love..........Later........Rainbow
Friday, November 14, 2008
TGIF...........Really just another day. Today Manny and Jared got the rest of the stuff or garbage from Jared and Cara's today. Then we got the couch delivered and the trailer returned. Its been a busy day with the kids but I think they had fun together. Manny and I had a "date" night that consisted of grocery shopping at Walmart and Costco, so Manny says I'm an expensive "date" and of course ordered a lot of food, ya he's a funny man. Maybe next time we can actually have a real date, we'll see. OK Maureen get your tree up, Kim get down to the basement and get motivated and Kerry get going on some of those trees... Good night all.....Love.....................Later...................Rainbow
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The wind is blowing!!!!!!!! Its freezing out, but no snow yet, please no snow for just a l ittle bit longer. Manny is back from the doctors he took some pictures of him all hooked up so hopefully he will post them so the world can see. He will need to go back in a couple of weeks for a follow up. Nothing to exciting over on this end of the world. The kids are out of school tomorrow so we will have a full house the kids will love it, Hopefully it will be nice for even an hour so they can go out and jump for awhile. To finish my mom's birthday story about the angel..........I had to move the computer desk around in a different spot so I could make room for one of the Christmas trees. This computer desk was in Jurnee's room at grandpa's and then moved over to our new house and at each place their was a bulletin board above his desk. On the bulletin board he kept a little card probably 2 inches by 4 inches that was given to him by grandma (Nancy) and it talked about a grandchild and it also included a very small gold angel holding a heart. For about two almost three years the pin has been missing, most likely never to be seen again, but Jurnee still has the card on his bulletin board in his new room minus the pin. Now, keep in mind The desk has been cleaned out several times and moved several times. But about 1:30am on 11-11-2008 as I was bent over plugging in the computer desk (I couldn't sleep) I saw this very small shiny piece of aluminum foil or candy wrapper so I went to go pick it up so I could throw it away and it was the angel pin with the heart in it. Happy birthday Mom I love you . Jurnee was so happy. It's the small things in life we need to recognize when they happen, they do become big things and we can be grateful for even the smallest gestures.
Tonight I will be putting up tree number 2 not decorated just up and in view and curiosity for Maddox. Jurnee and Yzabella will be at their dad's this weekend and Manny will be leaving so maybe I can get some busy work done this weekend.Talk with everyone later.................Love........................Later...........Rainbow
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
It seems like the time is flying by its already Wednesday. Since my last blog I did get one of my Christmas trees up (not decorated, just up) that way I thought I would give Maddox a few days to get use to it before I start to put the decorations up. We also went over to the storage unit and got out the Christmas decorations and filled up the garage with boxes so I can work on it next week while Manny is gone that way its up before Thanksgiving. So Kim, Maureen, Kerry the competition is on so you better get going.....Manny and Jared went over to Jared's today and got all of their garbage out of the front yard, well most of it they are going to get one more load on Friday and hopefully they will be done before the snow hits. I talked with Lisa, Grandpa's old nurse and she wants the coaches still so I am going to just give them to her , we will deliver them on Friday and then drop off the trailer because she lives out in the same direction. Kim I'm so impressed with the whole trainer that is awesome good for you it did motivate me today to go get on the treadmill after reading that. It will be four days straight now...Well I didn't do it yesterday ran out of time. Took Cara to the doctors yesterday and I was allowed to disclose the doctor said she was,"rebelling against the heart problem, which is a good thing. The kids are still keeping busy with their activities they got really excited when I set up the Christmas tree... I Love that excitement level I wish we could all get a little bit more excited about the smaller things in life, I truly believe we would all be happier. Jurnee just finished his last project need to graduated in January for scouts YAh!!! He had to interview 5 adults about their thought on the education process of a school or his school along with other assignments but he completed it and I am very proud of him. Manny is at the sleep doctor tonight he has to stay the night and they will monitor him and do the sleep tests whatever those are. I hope he can sleep being all hooked up I don't know if I could. I made another batch of the friendship bread its yummy yummy and now I need to go deliver another 3 starter bags. I tried another new recipe on Sunday taco soup Oh my gosh, so good, and so easy, my type of cooking... Get the crock pot, ground 1 pound of lean meat hamburger, then add to crock pot, then add in a can of corn, onion chopped, 2 cans of diced tomatoes,package of ranch dressing, package of taco seasoning, ( I actually used 2 enchilada packaging and it was delicious because I was out of taco seasoning package),2 cans of beans (I used 1 can of black beans and 1 can of other beans (brown), and let it slow cook, when your done get your chips and crunch up or dip them, get shredded cheese on top so it melts in your bowel and I added chopped olives, and sour cream to mine it was delicious!!! There was none left Jared Cara the kids Manny and I ate it all gone!! Manny got Yzabella a Pink red ryder gun for Christmas, what has my world come to?? Oh how things change I'm the one that didn't even allow squirt guns in the house, I hope he appreciates how much I have swayed for him.. Goodnight all for now Hope everyone is doing well.. Maureen thank-you for posting those pictures they were fun to look at!! I'll share my angel story on the blog tomorrow it was a nice hello to on Mom's birthday. Love...............Later.........Rainbow
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Ah just a quickie....................................HA hA ha....I am alive in blog land I just haven't been typing. this will be a shortie I WILL write more tomorrow and hopefully get Cara on to. Maureen that info is Salt Lake Express 1-208-656-8824 or 1-208-201-3513 there is also a website I will get some more info in the morning Manny's dad has all the information in a flyer. I hope all with everyone. Happy Birthday Tyler. Kim the pictures look like the boys had a good time. And yes, fight the annoying battle with unemployment what a bunch of crap. Putting up a tree tomorrow, leaving it empty for a couple of days to see how Maddox does, but it is going up. Manny and I did some online Christmas shopping tonight, so we got a chunk done. Scary.. Until later Love............................Later....................Rainbow
Monday, November 3, 2008
My little kiss, hershey kiss we went to the store and he got alot of attention with his costume on..

Halloween has come and gone, the kids had fun trick or treating at their dad's. Jurnee was the character from scream (YUK) Yzabella of course the pink wonder woman and Maddox a little Hershey's kiss. Now down with the Halloween decorations and a good cleaning and then up with the winter decorations I would like to get them all up before Thanksgiving in case we do go somewhere then I don't have to worry about it to much when we get back. I know what you mean Kerry about the yard we had a pretty good rain and wind storm and the yard is very unattractive with leaves and brownness everywhere, But, Maureen your yard looks so beautiful wow!! It was great to see every one's costumes of the kids (yours to Melissa with your cute puppy LOL). Today not much going on we have violin practice and Dylan will be coming over after school today that's about it so I'll start the decorating process today. Talk to everyone later...Love................Later......Rainbow
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fish stories

Yzabella and Dylan showing off thier prize fish

Yzabella so very proud!

Jurnee showing off his prize catch for the day!

Miguel very proud of his mighty catch.

Manny showing Jurnee just the right way to do it.

Yzabella and Dylan sharing fishing stories.

Jurnee waiting for "The Big One"

It's a party

Yzabella feeding little bro Maddox

The water is sooo tempting!!

happy 1st birthday Aug 1st 2008

Maureen and Alex at the b-day party. Say cheese.

Jurnee is ready for football practice Go Ravens!! #1

Dylan, Benson, Yzabella, Davis, Jurnee and jackson defeated the Pinata

Papa, Maddox and Yzabella

Yzabella and Kealey ready for cheerleading competition

Jackson signing the b-day banner

Party!! Party!! Andrew, Alex, Kim, Jurnee

happy birthday - love mama

Maddox 1st b-day party at Grandpas Maddox, Manny, Miguel, Cara, Moises, Mel jr., Mel, Maria, and Rosie

1st Birthday party at grandpas Jr (Mel), Maria, Maddox, and Grandpa (Mel) Maldonado

Grandma Maria and Maddox YUM! YUM!

cousin Miguel and Maddox

1st b-day cake for Maddox at grandpas house

Oh my gosh more cake! Yum!

Kim, Mac, Alex, Maureen, Cara beautiful picture Kerry painted

1st b-day cake YUM!!

Maddox and Grandpa Mel

Say Cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whats going on? They wonder?

Uncle Moises and Aunt Cara and Maddox, Hurry get the snack open!

Maddox and Uncle (Tio) Moe

Please can I get just a little wet??

To late dude I am wet!!

I'm cool even when I'm fishing!!

Yah I know I'm cute!!

Maddox. Wait a minute this feels strange!!

Maddox's first fishing trip, notice the fishing jacket and camo outfit.

Yzabella and Cholo so cute!!

Giving my motherly advice to Miguel and Jurnee!

Come on Manny get the worm on the hook!!