Ah another weekend, the kids will be at their dads house (Yzabella home in the evening of course) and only one soccer game tomorrow. YAH!! its the last one I'll miss it, but at the same time I can't wait!! What will I do with myself for the whole Saturday afternoon and Sunday HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?? Probably clean house! It needs it. I do need to go buy a 40 years "in the business" present for my hair stylist and dear friend. Her party will be on Tuesday. Maddox is walking now. Not consistently but he is trying all the time now and building his confidence up, I love to watch the wobble walk its so cute. Cara has spent the past two days in the hospital again with more complications, but I had the chance to talk to her and she seems in good spirits and is back home this evening she came home about 6:00pm. She is a strong person that is for sure we just love her so much and of course the boyz as well. I told her when she gets a chance she needs to start blogging or I will have to have her sign a confidentiality report so I can continue to blog for her ha ha. I am also harassing my friend Sara to start blogging because she is pregnant and I would love to see pictures of her new baby and other two kids. Especially it would be a good way to keep in touch being out of state and everything hint hint hint...Lori it was nice to finally touch base with you. Maureen have fun at the play this evening. And Kim I have some Christmas questions for you any ideas on the latest fun games for older boys?? Jurnee is at that hard age no "toys" this year any suggestions?? OK people we will talk later................Love.............Rainbow
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fish stories

Yzabella and Dylan showing off thier prize fish

Yzabella so very proud!

Jurnee showing off his prize catch for the day!

Miguel very proud of his mighty catch.

Manny showing Jurnee just the right way to do it.

Yzabella and Dylan sharing fishing stories.

Jurnee waiting for "The Big One"

It's a party

Yzabella feeding little bro Maddox

The water is sooo tempting!!

happy 1st birthday Aug 1st 2008

Maureen and Alex at the b-day party. Say cheese.

Jurnee is ready for football practice Go Ravens!! #1

Dylan, Benson, Yzabella, Davis, Jurnee and jackson defeated the Pinata

Papa, Maddox and Yzabella

Yzabella and Kealey ready for cheerleading competition

Jackson signing the b-day banner

Party!! Party!! Andrew, Alex, Kim, Jurnee

happy birthday - love mama

Maddox 1st b-day party at Grandpas Maddox, Manny, Miguel, Cara, Moises, Mel jr., Mel, Maria, and Rosie

1st Birthday party at grandpas Jr (Mel), Maria, Maddox, and Grandpa (Mel) Maldonado

Grandma Maria and Maddox YUM! YUM!

cousin Miguel and Maddox

1st b-day cake for Maddox at grandpas house

Oh my gosh more cake! Yum!

Kim, Mac, Alex, Maureen, Cara beautiful picture Kerry painted

1st b-day cake YUM!!

Maddox and Grandpa Mel

Say Cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whats going on? They wonder?

Uncle Moises and Aunt Cara and Maddox, Hurry get the snack open!

Maddox and Uncle (Tio) Moe

Please can I get just a little wet??

To late dude I am wet!!

I'm cool even when I'm fishing!!

Yah I know I'm cute!!

Maddox. Wait a minute this feels strange!!

Maddox's first fishing trip, notice the fishing jacket and camo outfit.

Yzabella and Cholo so cute!!

Giving my motherly advice to Miguel and Jurnee!

Come on Manny get the worm on the hook!!
I'm so excited for Sara...congrats to her. She must start blogging, I want to see the pics too. Have to admit, I even check in on your friend Lori now and then too. Even though we only met once, I feel like I know her through you. Ok, for Christmas....Davis has asked for Sim City a DS new game out. He is also into building clay..weird huh? I will let you know if he tells me about anything else. Am glad Cara is home tonight, am sure Dylan and Jared and Drew are too. Have a good weekend, enjoy the silence!
Give Sara my congrats too. Don, t get any ideas Rainbow!
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