Baby Drew stretching
Manny and Yzabella

Tummy time Drew
Your close-up
Drew are you sticking your tongue at your Auntie??

Yzabella needed pictures taken to, of course!!
Yzabella cute, funny smile
Maddox, so sleepy, ready for bed
Maddox, Mom what are you doing now?
Maddox, telling his version of the story

Tummy time Drew

Yzabella needed pictures taken to, of course!!

As I must admit my blog on the excitement rate is low compared to some...............Kerry. Which by the way, no blog today, you can't do that to us blog followers hello!! We need the excitement. Today I went and volunteered at the school for the PTA at the school book fair. Well easy enough I do have sales background so I proceeded to hustle all the kindergarten through sixth graders to BUY BUY BUY and make sure to tell their parents to BUY books because its all for a good cause right?? No I'm just exaggerating I would never hustle youngsters to buy because that would be wrong right?? They said they would call soon for more volunteer stuff soon we will see. All in All it was fun. Manny made it home safe and sound this morning 3:30am. Maddox woke up due to snoring and decided the excitement of dad being home was to much so it was time to party at 5:00am Ya Hoo we are tired today. We got to hang out with the Mr. Drew today, so I snapped some quick photos to post, he is growing, growing , growing and eating, eating , eating. Yzabella had cheer leading today so her and Manny did that, while I stayed with the boyz. It was nice to talk to Kim and Maureen and hope they have good visits as I'm sure I will hear all about it in future blogs. HINT HINT. Until later................Love...............Rainbow
Love the pictures, as always. They are so cute.
I'm glad the PTA thing went well. Get some rest.
I can just see you all at 5am...especially Manny after getting home so early. Loved the pictures, Drew really is changing. I can totally see Dylan in him.
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